Our False Messiahs Of Change.

As the saying goes, it would have been so funny had it not hurt so much. It has been a little over three months since the elections took place but the subsequent suffering endured by the general public in shape of rampant inflation coupled with a lunatic official attitude towards the monster of terrorism is already enough to last till whenever the next elections are held.
Nobody can deny that it’s still early days since the change of governments or that our previous set of rulers, especially those at the center did not actually leave behind a glittering legacy of good governance or for that matter even the semblance of a reasonably functioning economy. However, having said that the first hundred days are supposed to indicate how the new leaders are setting themselves up in terms of policies and strategies to at least point the ship in the right direction. The expectations of the betterment in the lot of the ordinary people were higher than normal as the election campaign was run on slogans of efficiency and change by PML (N) and PTI respectively.
Unfortunately what has transpired since then has been nothing more than much of the same poor governance. Even more frighteningly the state of law and order has deteriorated sharply with the rate of political assassinations and murders having accelerated more than was the norm under the previous regime.
The massacres of Shia’s continues unabated, a record number of policemen have been murdered and politicians continue to be assassinated in KPK, the latest being Najma Haneef whose husband had also been assassinated around two years ago.The D.I. Khan jail break orchestrated by the Taliban with the full connivance of the local security forces was an unprecedented event in the history of our country; in terms of the scale of the resultant break-out of extremists being held there.
In the midst of all of the above, both Nawaz Shariff and Imran Khan have emerged as the most absolutely clueless of all the political leaders.While Nawaz Shariff is only being his usual less than bright self; its captain Tsunami whose standing is being more rapidly eroded because of a complete absence of any semblance of a coherent political strategy on PTI’s part.
Imran Khan is rapidly morphing into everyone’s idea of a very irritating mother-in-law !! There is simply nothing in life which pleases captain Tsunami other than listening to his own never ending opinions on, it seems, everything under the sun other than the threat of Taliban.Pretending to be a strong leader he was first blackmailed by Pervaiz Khattak into declaring the later as the chief minister of KPK. Subsequently he has been singularly unable to put together an impression of a political presence in the national assembly.
Struck in the time-wrapped state of the previous elections he has failed to realize that the common people are well aware of what happened then and have moved on from there. They now expect PTI to organize itself so that the same story is not repeated in the upcoming by-elections and the next general elections. Proving the already proven wholesale rigging in around twenty to thirty seats is simply not going to resolve any of Pakistan’s issues or add much to PTI’s standing.
Even worse his mental block related to the Tehreek-e-Taliban, Pakistan (TTP) simply refuses to go away. Their barbaric acts have made them abhorrent to a vast majority of Pakistani’s across the political spectrum, and captain Tsunamis defense of their behavior is beginning to sound hollower than ever. Having put himself into a corner on this issue he was further embarrassed when he was called to meet John Kerry and having refused to meet him at the US embassy instead had the meeting at a US diplomat’s residence. Such antics are not going to impress anyone anymore.
I hope someone passes some gripe water to captain Tsunami, consoles him over the fact that Ayla Malik’s degrees were found to be fake, and points out the realities of political existence and relevance in Pakistan.
Bha Nawaz Shariff, on the other hand, must be wondering whether it was worth greasing the palms he did in order to manipulate the election process and buy the “tareekhi kamyaabi”.
A victim of the lies propagated throughout the election campaign by PML (N) about the economy, the power shortage and the law & order situation, he has been brutally exposed for what he is; a mediocre intellect devoid of any ideas which can steer Pakistan away from the looming disasters of a near bankrupt economy and a free for all state of law and order. As a result of this he has decided to bless us all by retaining the posts of the foreign and defense ministers also!
He started his latest stint as our Prime Minister by being extra chummy towards our easterly neighbors and ended up being snubbed by them, and then tried to blame the Pakistan Army for the present security situation and was humiliated by them after it was pointed out that he has yet to give a single directive to take care of the TTP.The begging bowl that he had promised to break remains in as good a health as ever. As mentioned above his time tested fund raising trips to his business partners in the holy land failed, with zilch funds being promised. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) simply presented their conditions for rescheduling loans and granting new funds, pointed out the dotted line and smirked afterwards.
On the revenue generation side the federal government has simply ignored the rampant tax evasion prevalent in the trading and retail sector, primarily because this is the political base of PML (N).This has led to the federal government resorting to the time rested method of raising prices of petroleum & gas products and electricity in a desperate effort to raise revenues. All this has sharply increased the cost of living which was already unbearably high.
Two political nonentities who happened to be in the good books of the Shariff family were hoisted on us as the President of Pakistan and the Governor of Punjab respectively. After having sworn never to deal with the MQM mafia (his words) he directed his party’s honchos to grovel at the famous 90 residence in Karachi. The TTP is running riot in the country and all Mian Nawaz Shariff can think of is holding constructive talks with them.
All in all not good omens pertaining to these two promised messiahs of ours who are melting away at a very rapid pace in face of the brutal realities of ruling Pakistan.What else can be expected from the ones anointed by the Taliban as their chosen ones in the first place !!

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